04 July 2019Workshop “Photonics4Automotive: Photonics technologies for the automotive value chain”More info
04 July 2019EU website about research results publishes article about WAZIUP in 6 languagesMore info
01 July 2019Davit Harutyunyan from WiN unit achieved the best student paper award at IEEE NetSoft 2019 24-28 June 2019More info
03 June 2019AgriotLab, SmartLand Projcet, an efficient management of irrigation resourcesMore info
23 May 2019Fabio Antonelli at Ugo Bordoni Seminar about "Distributed cloud, supercomputing and web 3.0", Rome May 23rd 2019More info
20 May 2019The evolution of the #AgriTech technology transfer project, AgrIoTLab by OpenIoT unitMore info