
The ambitious project of ZooraNet seeks to advance peace through creative collaboration and by fostering and supporting culture and art within creative communities of Palestinians and Israelis.

Specifically, the project will develop and implement an online tool for the youth in these conflict areas to work together on creating films and new media, through joint projects and knowledge sharing.

Together with the Peres Center for Peace, the project is supported by the Autonomous Province of Trento and involves the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), which is responsible for the promotion of the new tool through its community and network. The project foresees the contribution and collaboration of local software companies, CREATENET, University of Trento and additional Trentino media companies for the development of the platform and for the initial trial and usage in a real context.

With the successful collaboration of Israeli and Palestinian youth through this unique platform, ZooraNet can create a visible and tangible positive impact and contribute to changing the paradigm that has dictated the interactions between these peoples for so many years.

Date: 07/2011 - 12/2013
  • OpenIoT

  • Trentino Network