The EPIWORK project proposes a multidisciplinary research effort aimed at developing the appropriate framework of tools and knowledge needed for the design of epidemic forecast infrastructures to be used in by epidemiologists and public health scientists. The project is truly interdisciplinary effort, anchored to the research questions and needs of epidemiology research by the participation in the consortium of leading epidemiologists, public health specialists and mathematical biologists. Epidemic researchers along with informatics, computer science, complex systems and physics leading scientists, will tackle most of the much needed development in epidemic forecast of modelling, computational and ICT tools such as i) the foundation and development of the mathematical and computational methods needed to achieve prediction and predictability of disease spreading in complex techno-social systems; ii) the development of large scale, data driven computational models endowed with a high level of realism and aimed at epidemic scenario forecast; iii) the design and implementation of original data-collection schemes motivated by identified modelling needs, such as the collection of real-time disease incidence, through innovative web and ICT applications; v) the set up of a computational platform for epidemic research and data sharing that will generate important synergies between research communities and countries.