
SmartSDK project is funded by the EU’s Horizon2020 programme. SmartSDK is the FIWARE’s “cookbook” for developing smart applications in the Smart City, Smart Healthcare, and Smart Security domains.

It provides ready-to-use bundles for the creation of Smart Services. The project will provide a set of reusable and cloud-native architecture patterns to simplify the development of Smart Services.

FBK CREATE-NET is mainly involved as leader of Work Package 3 – FIWARE SmartSDK Platform –  where an innovative platform, based on Rancher (, is developed in order to ease the deployment of containerized and cloud-native applications on the FIWARE Lab, a multi-region cloud facility based on OpenStack.

Relevant industrial partners are: Martel GMBH, Hop Ubiquitous SL, Ubiwhere LDA.

  • RiSING

  • EU H2020