FI-NEXT project is funded by the EU’s Horizon2020 programme and it is the continuation of previous FI-CORE and FIWARE project. Its aim is to evolve and consolidate the FIWARE platform and ecosystem in terms of Generic Enablers, FIWARE Lab and FIWARE Community.

FBK CREATE-NET is involved in Work Package 4 –  FIWARE Lab – and in particular in task T4.2 – FIWARE Lab Ops Tools – focused in the development of tools for easing the operations (deployment, upgrading, monitoring) of the FIWARE Lab,  a multi-region cloud facility based on OpenStack.

Relevant industrial partners are: Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa, Atos Spain SA, Orange SA, Martel GMBH.

Date: 12/2016-11/2018
  • RiSING

  • EU H2020