
ComplexEnergy is a Support Action in response to the FP7 ICT call 4, topic ICT-2009.8.10 Identifying new research topics and assessing emerging global S&T trends in ICT for future FET Proactive initiatives.

The project was launched on 2nd November 2009 and will last fifteen months. At the end of the duration, the ComplexEnergy initiative hopes to achieve the following:

The development of a white paper addressing the research community at large, identifying the potential of ICT-enabled innovative energy modeling, control and management solutions, able to build on results of complex systems research.
The construction of a roadmap for future FET initiatives targeting projects working at the junction of ICT, Energy and Complex Systems domains.
The magnification of the level of awareness, at European scale, of the potential impact of advanced ICT techniques implementing concepts, tools and results from Complex Systems research for the design and governance of the energy system.

Date: 11/2009 - 02/2011
  • RiSING

  • EC-FP7