Great success for CREATE-NET: Coordinator of H2020 5G-Carmen project!

FBK CREATE-NET will coordinate H2020 5G-CARMEN project. This mobility project based on 5G technology has received funding for 18.5 million euros: 14.9 from the European Union, as part of the Horizon 2020 program for research and innovation, and the rest from project industrial partners.
The “Munich-Bologna corridor“, which covers 600 km of roads across three countries (Italy, Austria and Germany), is one of the most important corridors identified by the European Union for an initiative to improve the mobility of people and goods throughout Europe. As part of the 5G-CARMEN project, 5G technologies will be deployed along selected stretches of the motorway in the border regions.
Roberto Riggio, head of the WiN Research Unit will coordinate the 5G-CARMEN project (5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European unioN), aimed at achieving positive social, environmental and commercial impact.
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